inspirational quote

something something something walt disney

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hey. Hi. Hello.

After a brief hiatus from the pressures of blogging, I have returned.

I have decided that a day by day account of this adventure is useless. I literally do the same thing every day/week. It would kill us all to have to sit and listen to "We did a million shows. I sat in a hotel. It was nice. It was horrible. The wifi was good. The pool was bad. I worked out. Skinny skinny skinny." So from now on, if I don't mention that stuff....believe me, it's still happening.

This week we are in the glorious city of Binghamton New York after a trek through Pittsburg and Buffalo (I literally just had to look up what cities we did. This is getting rough.)

Pittsburg was absolutely amazing. Granted, we were on the campus and therefore only got to walk around the campus area and surrounding little shops and stuff but I must say, I would seriously consider going to school there. So fun. So pretty. The only downfall was everything seemed to be uphill. I'm still baffled at how we would walk uphill to get to the shops, then uphill to get back. There is some weird physics happening in Pittsburg.

List of cities I have visited that I want to return to:

Athens Georgia
Cincinnati Ohio
Pittsburg Pennsylvania 

The shows this weekend were a little bit of a nightmare. Bring on the rehearsals. From dresses being on backwards to cast members being unable to do the show and the rest the cast finding out 30 minutes before showtime. The hard thing about this show (and I will try to explain this as much as I can without giving too much away), is that it doesn't stop. Whether you know what you're doing or not, nothing stops. Sets could be falling down around you with nothing making sense and we press on. It leads to some interesting spur of the moment choices and some really bad ones. Nevertheless, we made it through and as far as we know, no body has been fired yet. Success. 

Tomorrow is a day full of Media Training (finally someone will tell me if i'm gonna be fired for this blog), and another TV show then the rest the day off. What a glamorous life. 

Another very important part of my life has ended this week. I finished The Walking Dead. I won't even begin to discuss the toll this took on me emotionally. It was a rough day. But alas, I have begun House of Cards and think I shall be just as happy with this. There are no zombies in this show, just DC politicians and at this point, I would rather the zombies. 

I have learned something very important this week. The only truly crazy people in this life are not the people on a bunch of medication, they are the ones who take nothing. Yes, deep I know. This whole thing has definitely thrown me a loop. I am not currently taking any medications (except ones for beauty reasons which will remain nameless) but if someone threw open the back of a van and offered me some Xanax I would be on that like a fat kid on cake. All future wannabe performers who are considering a life in touring or just a life with any particular show....come talk to me. There are things you need to know and pills you need to take. We can get through this together. 

Yes I realize all these paragraphs have totally different meanings and go together in absolutely no way but its late and i'm tired and that's what you get. 

Last topic of the day. Workout blog time. 

Yes, the working out is still happening. And it's still the worst. I also have started this thing where I eat only one meal a day and whenever my stomach growls I give myself a pat on the back and have a glass of water. If the next time you see me you don't instantly comment on how skinny I look, whether factual or not, I will scream in your face until you do. Lets not test this. I more than likely won't have much food on my stomach and will just pass out from the screaming and nobody needs to deal with that. 

Well there ya have it. A little catching up, a little philosophy and a little workout blog. Hope all is well. I miss you all very very much. 

The King 

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