inspirational quote

something something something walt disney

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Camera Doesn't Add 10lbs.

And we're back. 

It's been quite a while since my last post so I thought it's time to do some catching up. Quite honestly, the last week or so have been rather rough and so posting a blog during that time would have been most depressing and not fun to read.'re welcome. 

Since so much has happened and I have no desire to spell it all out for you, I have composed a list of  50 things I have learned or experienced since the last time we talked. Hope you enjoy. 

1. Being on tour is hard. 

2. Being on tour is fun. 
3. Being on tour is exhausting. 
4. TV studios are rather small and cramped. 
5. The camera definitely does not add 10lbs. 
6. It adds 15. 
7. Being on TV is fun.
8. Cincinnati is beautiful 
9. I'm moving there.  
10. Canada is beautiful. 
11. I'm moving there. 
12. Crossing the border into another country is exhilarating. 
13. Crossing back into USA is lame. 
14. Niagara Falls is exceptionally cool. 
15. And not as big as you think. 
16. But really fun to be under. 
17. The Walking Dead is a fabulous show and should be celebrated. 
18. Erie PA is a rather scary place. 
19. This hotel is haunted. 
20. But the beds are WONDERFUL
21. Which is all that really matters. 
22. Bring on the ghosts. 
23. People in Kentucky are very friendly. 
24. Pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way in Canada. Beware. 
25. Small momentos from home are very important. 
26. It's the little things that matter most. 
27. Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. 
28. Dancing is very important. 
29. Being in love is a challenging thing. 
30. But one of the most wonderful in the world. 
31. Waking up is hard.
32. Having 4 days off in a row then doing 11 shows isn't fun. 
33. Performing is always fun. 
34. No one claps for King Rolands big entrance. 
35. Hate it.
36. But everyone freaking loves Sophia. Upsetting. 
37. Get it right kids. 
38. Not getting to poop on the bus is stressful. 
39. "Planned poops" are very important. 
40. I don't sleep on tour buses. 
41. Sleeping pills don't help. 
42. I'm taking 4 next time. Bye bye George. See you next Thursday. 
43. Some songs are always perfect for everything. 
44. Music is important. 
45. Leftover food is important. 
46. Tuna snack packs are important. 
47. Laundry is very important. 
48. Hotels with fridges and microwaves are a must. 
49. Never give up. 
50. I'll all make sense and be worth it in the end. 

Phew. Made it. Sorry for getting all philosophical and deep at the end. Couldn't resist. Lots of soul searching has been happening and it was bound to slip into this blog at some point. Won't happen again. (Yes it will). I hope everyone is happy and doing well! Feel free to call or hit me up at any time! I would love to hear from you!

Much love ##

The King

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fayetteville North Carolina. My fav.


This is definitely not my favorite place ever.


Needless to say, it's been a long week of not a ton to do. The mall was fairly nice but so far away and such a sketch town to walk around in that is almost not worth it to risk your life to get there. Also, people don't believe in walking anywhere around here. Now that I say it out loud, I clearly understand why. They have also figured out it would be life threatening to do so. They should post signs for us out-of-towners. There are no cross walks and few sidewalks. Getting across the road, should you need to do so, is always an adrenaline rush. I am very excited to do a couple shows here tomorrow and get the hell outta dodge.

Oddly enough, I have been entertaining myself with a trip to the gym every day (yes, that is how dire the situation has become). Not to turn this into one of those sappy and lame, workout and progress blogs, but I am working out and seeing progress. There.

My roommate and I are also completely entranced in The Walking Dead. For those of you who don't know this show, goodbye. It is incredible. We, of course,  don't start watching until around midnight then say that we will only watch one. Six episodes later we are talking ourselves out of "just one more". Last night was an especially upsetting episode where we knew we were done cause we were both secretly crying into pillows. It's terribly upsetting watching ones you love become zombies. Life lessons.

Today at the local Golds Gym was Zumba time. I have only ever had one Zumba class and honestly didn't love it. Or like it in the slightest. But this was actually a wonderful experience. I will definitely be finding more classes. So fun. But turn down the lights and up the loud music and I am always interested. I also always hate going into actual gyms cause I am intimidated by all the machines. This is why I usually just stick to running and pushups and stuff. But today, again, I see the machines and know that I could figure this shit out. Next week I am commanding myself to go to the actually gym everyday and figure it out.

For those wondering, we usually get free passes to local gyms which is why I am going. I am most definitely not to the point of actually wanting to PAY for working out. No no no.

This became a workout blog. Damnit.

Moving on. This weekend. We do two shows here in ghettoville, two in Greensboro NC (where I have my first visitors coming to the show! Can't wait to have people I know in the audience!)  then two in Johnson City, Tennessee then on to Dayton Ohio for the week.

Hmmmmm. Well, that's it. Hope you are all having a wonderful week as well! Much love


Monday, July 14, 2014

They See Me Roland, They Hatin'

Well well well, here we are. One weekend down, only about 45 more to go. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

As usual, so much has happened that I don't really know where to start. I'll just start with the weekend. All the stuff during the week is pretty boring and makes me feel pathetic to right about how much I eat and sleep and shop, so we will skip over it.

On Friday we woke up and checked out of the hotel to prepare for a 1pm call time at the venue in Florence SC. Since we hadn't rehearsed all week, our director wanted to have a full dress rehearsal of the show before our first performance with an audience. It was all such a crazy experience. Performing in an arena is incredible. I've always wanted to know what goes on behind the curtains at an arena show and to sum it all up, it's madness. Anyway, the dress rehearsal went well. It was challenging to deal with everything being in different spots and dressing rooms so far away (they weren't actually that far in comparison to how far away they will be in certain places, but compared to 10 feet off stage like in the theatre.....they were miles away)

After our dress rehearsal, we had some catered food then prepared for our big event. Listening to the arena fill up with loud ass kids was really fun. I was very nervous but happy that we did a dress rehearsal even though it was exhausting to do the show twice in a row (yes, I know that most weekends we will be doing 2-3 shows a day. Don't remind me). The first thing that happens in the show is Mickey and Minnie coming out of the side to walk up on the stage. It is my favorite part of the show. Listening to the kids completely lose their minds when they see them is absolutely adorable. Long story short, the show was great. So many things on my bucket list being checked off. It was a very emotional show in the best possible way. I sure do love performing.

We packed up, loaded the semi's and buses and headed out.

We made our first stop at Wal-Mart at around 1am then headed to Spartanburg SC. We drove through the night and when we woke up in the bus in the morning, we were parked outside the next venue. We woke up to breakfast catering in the venue and then began company meeting and venue tour at 11am quickly followed by cast warm up then off to get ready. The warm ups are another one of my favorite parts. It is the first time on stage and getting to really soak up the empty theatre we are about to perform in. Very very fun. The audience wasn't huge for this show but they were loud and loving it so it made it all worth it. Another great show.

Again, we loaded the buses and the semi's and were off by 7pm to another Wal-Mart/food stop then to Athens Georgia. The drive was pretty short to Athens (just a couple hours) so we got there and some people headed out for food and drinks while others of us just stayed in the bus and watched Will and Grace for hours on end (thank goodness for saturday night binge episodes). Sunday morning, same drill. Food, meetings, tour, warm up, show. This theatre was beautiful. It was huge and stunning to look at. It was also fun having such a high balcony that i'm sure most the people could see my bald spot. After the 1pm show, we had the rest the day to hang out and enjoy Athens. It is a beautiful little place. We got to walk around campus which was gorgeous and go downtown for food and drinks. A very nice afternoon. I'll post some pics at the bottom. At midnight, we headed out for a 6 hour drive to Fayetteville NC.

Side note: The thing that hit me hardest this weekend was how do you freaking pack for that? Our suitcases are shoved under the bus so we have to pack everything we will need for the weekend in other smaller bags to carry on the bus. I was a mess. I tried to pack for warm ups, then real clothes to go out, then more clothes to wear in the venue and 4 pairs of show and oh my. It was bad. Some serious planning needs to happen next week. haha I think i'll just spend the whole 3 days in the same pair of sweats. Perfect.

And here we are. We have the week off without a show until Friday here in Fayetteville. We got unloaded and checked in this morning and I think most of us are just enjoying a quiet day in our hotel rooms. Tomorrow we shall venture out and see what we can find. There is a pretty nice mall near by and such so we should have plenty to do. If not, I always have The Walking Dead :)

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive and keeping me company on long drives and boring days of waiting and sitting. I am loving my time here but am definitely missing all the ones I love back in Utah and Idaho. I can't wait to get to see everyone!

Much love ##


 Enjoying the streets of Athens
The gorgeous campus in Athens

 A sign for our show in the local Ben and Jerry's. #famouslife

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pictures of the Show

Here are some pics of the show and me hanging out with my friends King Roland and Crooked Boot the pirate. Please direct all comments or questions to them :) Enjoy! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

And We're Off

Hello from Florence, South Carolina. It begins.

Yesterday (Saturday), we did two, friends and family shows in Lakeland Florida where we have been rehearsing. They weren't huge audiences but they were still very fun. It's fun to see the little kids just LIVING for the characters on stage. I can't wait to have an arena full of them. The energy is going to be amazing.

Anyway, the shows went very well. Enough so that we aren't rehearsing at all this week which is still insanely impressive that we got the show that good in just two weeks. Yay us. The second show ended around 6. We then had several hours to pack out, shower and change at the venue then get dinner and hang out in the buses. We checked out of the hotel earlier so our only option was the bus, which I will talk about later.

Or right now.

THE BUS! So much fun. It really makes me miss the days of going out in a camping trailer with the family. I will try to figure out how to put pictures on here and take you on a tour of this bus. But until then, i'll try to explain.

You walk in and up the stairs to a fridge/bar on the right with a  nice love seat thing on the left. You then walk into a sitting area with a couch, table and a flat screen tv. Also connected to that is the bathroom and kitchen area; microwave, fridge, small counter space, coffee maker, toaster etc. Past that is a door that opens into the sleeping area. 12 bunks. The bunks are pretty small but closed off completely so as to be dark at any time. Fun stuff. Past the sleeping area is another door that opens into the back lounge. Dark little cozy space with more sitting area, table and another flat screen tv. Buses are complete with complimentary water, dish and wifi. So very fun.

So we just hung out there until around midnight when we headed to Walmart to prepare for the long journey ahead. Yes, I thought the buses were exceptionally fun just sitting and hanging out on them, then they started to move and it got way cooler. Something about having that kind of luxury while traveling down the freeway is exhilarating.

After an 8 hour bus right (most the time spent sleeping), we awoke in Florence. We didn't check in until around 2 so we got up and again, just hung out on the bus with tv and breakfast and stuff (this wasn't long for me cause I slept until about 12:30. Did I mention the bunks were so dark and cozy?).

Today has been nice. Our hotel is exceptional and walking distance from a couple malls, Target, Walmart and most importantly, ARBYS. The #13 is calling my name. I can basically smell it.

The schedule for the next couple days is pretty minimal. We don't have anything planned until Friday when we will do a full dress rehearsal of the show in the afternoon then our first official opening night that evening. After which we will head to Spartenburg for a 1:00pm show then off to Athens Georgia on Sunday for another 1pm show. I also have my first PR event on Sunday which should be very exciting!

You have been updated. As for the next four days, you can bet I will be sleeping a lot, eating a lot more, and seeing all the wonders Florence has to offer.

Love and miss you all ##


Friday, July 4, 2014

Catching Up

Happy 4th Everyone! 

It has been an insane several days. I don't even know where to start explaining it all. I think i'll start with today and work backwards until my memory can no longer handle it. After all these rehearsals and shows, it is already impossible to keep them apart. 

Today is a very much needed day off. It was originally just going to be a day that we got off early or had a half day, but because of excellent work and a full working show, we got the entire day off. The cast and crew also has been invited to a special preview of the new Marvel Universe Live show tonight in Tampa! So excited for that. I have heard incredible things about this show! We are then going to have a BBQ and watch fireworks. Wonderful way to spend the 4th in my opinion. 

Moving backwards, yesterday was our official last day of rehearsals. We ran the show twice and called it a day. We have a day off today and we have an audience on Saturday. I keep getting this feeling that this is coming to an end. That it has been a wonderful and eye opening couple weeks and that after this weekend I will be heading home. It makes me so excited that this is literally just the beginning. What I got hired to do hasn't even really started yet. What a crazy adventure.

Also yesterday, we decided to have a company dance class after work. A good friend and amazing dancer, Izzy, wanted to teach and choreograph the class. I was a tad tentative because i'm lazy and my knee hurt but I ended up going and didn't regret it. It was amazing to get to really full out dance. I feel like its been years since i've actually just taken a random jazz/contemporary class. I am either teaching or stuck in Modern. It was also really fun to take class and see all the beautiful dancers that I get to travel with. I also can't wait to get to teach. I miss teaching so much. 

Speaking of my knee, it is much much better. After waiting several hours for the pathetic advice of a "medical professional" who I think moved to this country last week, I have been taking care of it thanks to Wikipedia Medical Advice and it's working like a charm. There is still slight pain but nothing that stops me from a normal day. It still mostly only hurts to run which isn't upsetting at all because I love a good excuse to walk. 

So, backing up even more. Wednesday was the day that Disney Executives and our Casting Director came to see the show. This was a very nerve racking day for several reasons. The biggest being that these are definitely the people that could "let us go" if we weren't performing like they wanted. We also have all heard horror stories about these people and how they like to pull people aside and say, "You have 24 hours to get your shit together or you won't be joining this tour on the road." 
After all this stress, we performed the show and to get notes after all they said was good job, you're on the right track, keep doing what you're doing, wonderful show. Phew. They were all so impressed. I think also that the fact we did it in 8 days was the most impressive part. How dare they tell us we sucked after we did the whole damn thing in 8 days?!

Well, I think that is about it. After our adventures today, we have a two show day tomorrow for invited family, friends and guests from Disney. After our last show, we load out onto buses and head to South Carolina to REALLY begin this thing. I will be in a new state, new city and new hotel by Sunday. Wow. 

On a side note, do you know what hotels have? Everything. It's amazing. And they never run out. Towels? Hot water? Cold water? Room service? Ice? AC? Free breakfasts? You got it. When I have previously visited a hotel I always think "Yes, this will do nicely for the next couple of days." but when you get to one and think that for the next 10 months you will be living here it becomes all sorts of magical. I will not be upset about this life at all. Excuse me, housekeeping?

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July. I miss you all. ## 

The King