inspirational quote

something something something walt disney

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Back in Action

As I sit here on the bus traveling from New Mexico to Texas, I am struck with only one thought.

I have to poop.

I am officially back on the road. After a glorious 10 days off spent in Idaho and Utah (sorry for those of you I didn't get to see. Guess you aren't that special after all), I am just finishing up another show weekend and headed to San Angelo Texas for the week. 4 wonderful days off await.

The shows this week have been great. Large crowds and excitement in the show. Today was especially challenging when we realized, halfway into the first act, that the elevation of Rio Rancho New Mexico was rather ridiculous and that none of us could breathe. This fact sent a couple performers straight to the EMT's for oxygen with the rest of us gasping for breath on stage. We got through the show, but I must say, it wasn't our best.

It really was excellent to go home. I had been really struggling with this tour for the first couple months and had honestly considering leaving my contract and coming back to Utah. But going home and seeing everyone and realizing that while life was still going on without me, not a whole lot of things are gonna drastically change while I'm gone. Yes, some sisters will have babies, houses will be built and food will be eaten, but I will be back before I know it and life can resume as planned. This gave me great comfort. So much so that I was actually excited to come back and, dare I say it, am still really happy to be here. Granted, we are only 5 days back in but I am having a great time. Bring it on Texas.

In other exciting news, my best friend is coming to visit me in Daytona Beach Florida. He will be my first tour visitor and I can't wait! For everyone else, BUY YOUR TICKETS! Come see me! Many magical Disney secrets await you (this isn't true. I'll never reveal the magic).

Let's see let's see let's see. I haven't blogged in forever and still have nothing to say.

I got to see a very old and dear friend today while in New Mexico. Tennille Mendenhall is serving her mission there and got to run over and say hi after my last show. It had been years since I had seen her and it was wonderful to catch up if only for 30 minutes. Seeing people I know really makes this experience easier all means, come see me.

I am actually learning to like this show better to. Yes, it is hard and will always be challenging to do it 9 times in a row on the weekends, but I have had a couple experiences to see recordings of the show or see it backstage better and it really is magical. I am excited to share it with friends and family. It is definitely a cool thing to be a part of. Bringing just a little bit of the "magic" to little kids and families all over the country. I have a good job.

Well, i'm off to bed. The bus just hit the freeway and that means I am down for the count. See ya in Texas!


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